Haunting of Hill House (2018)
This eery drama is about a family plagued by a haunted mansion. The show alternates between the 1990’s when the Crains lived in Hill house, to present day where now the Crain children are adults. Like Steven King’s IT, the Hill manor still haunts the Crain children, and something us pulling the children to return to the house. The magnificent character development is able to be achieved through the one hour long episodes. The viewer gets to know each character, both their childhood and adult world views. If you have kept up with my film reviews, you know that I am drawn to dysfunctional family drama plots, and this one surely delivers. The best aspect of the show is the non-linear storytelling. Like a good mystery, the show gives the viewers small hints and leaves you wanting more! The actors, both children and adults, are exceptional.
There is not a lot of gore or cheesy jump scares. The scares are disturbing, and usually perfectly timed out. Plus, there hidden Easter egg ghosts throughout the shows entirety. Some are more obvious than others. There are many scenes from the show that left me haunted, such as the ghost of the bent-neck lady hovering above a bed, and the tall man with his cane. I also really loved the piano music theme song of the show.
This series is not about a haunted house. It’s about the turmoil of life and death, and how one family copes with it. It’s about the human psyche, dealing with trauma, grief, and loss. One of the best horror drama series I’ve ever watched!
Suspense: 5/5
Writing: 5/5
Gore: 2/5
Overall: 10/10
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