Twin Peaks Season 1 & 2 (1990-1991)

Mysterious, brilliant, and bizarre. Twin Peaks is a small town located in the north west, where everyone knows each other and each other's personal business. Nothing wrong ever happened in Twin Peaks, until the day that beloved teen Laura Palmer is found dead. The show centers on how her death effects the lives of townspeople, and the circumstances that led to her death.

This show is one of a kind in that it is of many genres, including mystery (noir), serial drama (soap opera), romance, science fiction, thriller, and horror. I think the only genre missing from this equation would be western! From first glance of the cover and seeing photo stills, I had no idea what to expect from the show. 

Season 1: 10/10
The first season of Twin Peak is an absolute masterpiece. With the fantastic storytelling, solid characters, relationship building, and dire truths unfolding, each episode left me on the edge of my seat. Dale Cooper, like the audience, is new to the town and the people that live there. The first season spindles the web of the characters' entanglement. And it's exciting as a first time viewer to see the truths behind character facades, and also the introduction of the Dale Coopers' surreal visions and trying to figure out the meaning behind them. Because of the age of the show, it's important to take into consideration that the show can be slow at times, especially watching it now when we have so many options for television. 

I loved the vision sequences, in particular the one with the giant. Other fun favorites of mine is when there's fish in the percolater, Coopers first day on the job (Tibetan crime solving methods!), the log lady, and the complicated romance of Andy and Lucy. 

Season Two: 7/10
While I love this show, the middle of season two becomes too silly and almost seems to go nowhere. Definitely my least favorite storylines were James and the gold digger, Donna ( to be honest all Donna storylines), Leo's inability to move, and also the character of Windom Earle. I just couldn't stand the way the actor played him. However the beginning and end of season 2 is really, really good. It is worth the while to sit through the filller episodes. 

My favorite scene from season two was definitely the part when the old butler finds detective cooper on the floor wounded from a gunshot wound, and proceeds to slowly approach him to see if he needed anything. I also loved Leland Palmer's singing of old songs, character development of Major Briggs, the reveal of the Laura Palmer murder case, and the descent into the black lodge.

Next on my list is definitely to watch Fire Walk with Me!


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