Halloween (2018)

Halloween 2018 takes place forty years after what happened in the first movie (yes, the sequels no longer exist in the story line). Michael Myers is locked away in the mental ward of a prison institution, and Lorie Strode is an paranoid gun-wielding hermit. In an attempt to move a bus full of the prisoners, Michael Myers makes an escape, and slays his way to find Lorie Strode. Lorie’s high school granddaughter is also a large part of the story, who mimics the experiences Lorie had in the original film. This includes showing the experiences of teenagers in high school, and babysitting on Halloween night. The actor who played the boy Julien not only stole the show with comedic wit, but was also the smartest character in the film. The filmmakers were smart to use similar situations from the first film in this one. I loved the Easter eggs the filmmakers provided, as they paid homage to classic scenes from the entire Halloween franchise. There was even a quick glance of a couple of children wearing the same masks that were worn in Halloween 3: Season of the Witch. As a Halloween fan, I was definitely impressed with this film. This movie is the sequel the Halloween franchise deserved the first time around! 

Gore: 4/5
Suspense: 5/5
Writing: 3/5
Overall: 7/10


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