
Showing posts from November, 2018

Haunting of Hill House (2018)

This eery drama is about a family plagued by a haunted mansion. The show alternates between the 1990’s when the Crains lived in Hill house, to present day where now the Crain children are adults. Like Steven King’s IT, the Hill manor still haunts the Crain children, and something us pulling the children to return to the house. The magnificent character development is able to be achieved through the one hour long episodes. The viewer gets to know each character, both their childhood and adult world views. If you have kept up with my film reviews, you know that I am drawn to dysfunctional family drama plots, and this one surely delivers. The best aspect of the show is the non-linear storytelling. Like a good mystery, the show gives the viewers small hints and leaves you wanting more! The actors, both children and adults, are exceptional. There is not a lot of gore or cheesy jump scares. The scares are disturbing, and usually perfectly timed out. Plus, there hidden Easter egg g...

Ruffles Galore

I wore this chic little black dress to the theatre. I found this in-store and was instantly drawn to the black ruffles and flower details. Unfortunately LB now longer carries this dress in black, but they do have it available in lilac (and on clearance!) Dress: Lane Bryant Sandals: Avenue

Under The Shadow (2016)

Under  the Shadow takes place in Tehran during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980’s. Shideh is a stay at home mother who lives with her husband and daughter, Dorsa. She tries to be re-admitted as a student into medical school, but is ultimately rejected from her previous years as a student who partook in rebellious activities. Her husband is drafted, and she is to care for her daughter as the war’s missles slowly encroach their apartment building. As their surroundings become more hectic, the more supernatural things become. Are the ghostly Djinn (genie) figures real, or is it just their imagination?   The Djinn spirits take many ghastly forms, which are metaphors for the oppression that Shideh experiences in her own life. This includes her inability to be readmitted into medical school, the shrouding depression she feels from a recent family death, the loneliness of not having her husband around, and being arrested for not wearing a burka in public. She is dissatisfied wi...

Halloween (2018)

Halloween 2018 takes place forty years after what happened in the first movie (yes, the sequels no longer exist in the story line). Michael Myers is locked away in the mental ward of a prison institution, and Lorie Strode is an paranoid gun-wielding hermit. In an attempt to move a bus full of the prisoners, Michael Myers makes an escape, and slays his way to find Lorie Strode.  Lorie’s high school granddaughter is also a large part of the story, who mimics the experiences Lorie had in the original film. This includes showing the experiences of teenagers in high school, and babysitting on Halloween night. The actor who played the boy Julien not only stole the show with comedic wit, but was also the smartest character in the film. The filmmakers were smart to use similar situations from the first film in this one. I loved the Easter eggs the filmmakers provided, as they paid homage to classic scenes from the entire Halloween franchise. There was even a quick glance of a couple...