Searching (2018)

This movie was not so much a horror movie as it was a thriller drama. A teenage girl goes missing, and her dad must uncover what happened to her through searching her laptop. This film is unique in that it is framed from the perspective of a computer monitor. The audience watches as the characters are texting, emailing, FaceTiming, and browsing the Internet. It was a fascinating experience, and the director utilized this platform to its full extent to unfold the mystery.

I especially like how the beginning of the film showed how far computer and cell phone technology has grown since the early 2000’s, and how it has become ingrained in our everyday life. With family pictures, videos, instant messenger, popular game sites, YouTube, etc. A part of ourselves and our fondest memories are located on our computer or cell phone.  Whether it’s writings, photos, or important documents. It was nostalgic, and was very important to building the background of the characters. 

This film is a great mystery, and the producers and writers did a great job taking control of what the audience sees. They planted various seeds throughout the movie, which cleverly keeps the audience guessing all the way through. I also greatly enjoyed John Cho’s performance.

Suspense: 5/5
Writing: 5/5
Gore: 0/5

Overall: 10/10


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