The End of the F***ing World (Television Series)

The End of the F***ing World is a Netflix mini-series that is dark, witty, and comedic. The show centers on the cynical teens Jame and Alyssa, two social outcasts who begin to fall for each other, and cause havoc along the way. James and Alyssa are no ordinary teenagers. James is a quiet wallflower who believes he is a psychopath, and wants to desperately know what it is like to take the life of another human being. On his first encounter with Alyssa, he decides that she will be his victim. Alyssa is angsty, curses like a sailor, and is emotionally unstable. Fed up of their home lives, the two decide to run away together.

At first I was not sure if I was going to enjoy this show. A teenage boy who grew up killing animals, and now wants to kill his love interest? However after watching the first episode you realize that there is more to both James and Alyssa’s story than meets the eye. The show did a great job to display what is like to experience flashbacks of a traumatic experience triggered by a moment in the present. As the flashbacks unfold, the viewer becomes aware of the horrible life circumstances that both charachters had to endure.

This show is amazing because it portrays teenagers in a very realistic light. The two actors who play James and Alyssa actually look like teenagers! The show talks about real world issues and the ways in which people react and cope. Also, I greatly adored how the show built up Alyssa and Jame’s budding friendship and relationship. This series has an excellent soundtrack- spanning from 1950’s girl group to jazz to modern alternative.

Overall: 10/10. The ingredients include morbid-comedy, Dexter, drama, romance, road movie, and a a sprinkle of horror.


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