Raw is a French horror film from 2016 that revolves around a freshman veterinary student beginning her college career. As someone who has dealt with disordered eating in the past, this movie was at times very uncomfortable to watch. There are several instances in the film in which purging and thinness is glorified, and for me that's something that definitely turned me off. I know that the filmmaker possibly wanted to use that as commentary on how young college girls are, how casual pro ED talk is, and the juxtaposition between indulgence and abstinence for the main character. However, along with the gross hazing practices (was I the only one confused by the fact when the older students poured blood on the freshman, and the freshman went to class, not a single teacher made commentary on this? The kids are covered in blood in the classroom!) and the weird subtle sexual tension made between the sisters made me not enjoy this film. I do appreciate the rawness and grossness of the f...