All About Eve

Watching the start of FX's television show Feud , my love for Bette Davis has resurfaced. She has a special place in my heart as she reminds me so much of my Grandma, and as a child we would watch Bette Davis movies together. The show also reminded me of how I had never seen her well-known hit All About Eve! I knew nothing of the plot going into the movie, and was I pleasantly surprised. The film is about how conniving and manipulative women are. It's about friendships amongst women and men in show business, and the illusion of friendship that is used to climb the ladder to become a famous entertainer. Essentially, what dark side of fame. Bette outshone everyone in this movie, and my favorite sequence is the day of her boyfriend's birthday party. Bette's character, Margo, knows that a certain female character is double crossing her, and when she confides in her boyfriend he thinks her to be a jealous and overreacting woman. Thus she does wh...